Meet Caroline Goes - Global Product Director, Brazil

During her 15-year career with RX, Caroline Goes has risen up the ranks from marketing co-ordinator for our Brazilian operation to Global Product Director for RX, managing our data product portfolio from ideation to go-to-market.

Caroline is always looking for new and better ways of delivering value for RX customers  ̶  so much so that, earlier this year, she was recognised by our parent company RELX on its  Innovation Honour Roll for her leading role in the development of the RX Exhibitor Dashboard.

Exhibitor Dashboard seamlessly integrates data from our registration, matchmaking, show directory and lead retrieval systems into one clear and simple to use dashboard, so exhibitors can assess their performance in real-time and gain critical insights to improve their ROI and competitive standing year on year.

“Value creation, collaboration with people across the globe, data, technology, and entrepreneurial spirit were the key ingredients to creating Exhibitor Dashboard,” said Caroline. “Our customers have always been my passion and being recognized for leading the development of a product that can make a real difference for small and large exhibitors, helping them to improve their business, really makes me feel that all our hard work was worth it.”

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

“You will be fine girl!”. It's not easy being a teenager but you are already a strong woman, so stop doubting yourself. You can do whatever you want. Sometimes life (or people) will be tough on you, but you have the power to transform this into fuel to grow. You will do this with the help of amazing people that will cross your life.

I know you already made up your mind to work in Marketing, but one day you will understand why you are so passionate about computers and technology. Studying is hard but keep going. It will pay off. Just don't forget to have fun too.

That woman you keep arguing with will soon become the one you most admire in this world. Yes, your mum. That man you call dad and love so much will continue to give you the best hug ever. By the way, you are beautiful. You have always been.

What’s your favourite app we might not have heard of?

I´m a geek and love apps. I organize my whole life using my mobile and I´m always looking for the next one. The app I would highlight is ‘Organizze’, which helps you to organize your money and be in control of your finances. It’s very easy to use, with many cool features.

The reason I choose this app is because financial independence allows women to have more freedom of choice when it comes to their own future. You can invest it, launch a business, study, buy a property, or start a family, without any financial dependence on others, which also reduces the possibility of being stuck in a controlling or even violent relationship.  Girls, go for your financial independence!

What country would you travel to if you could go anywhere?

Although I´m a very rational person there´s a romantic side of me that always wanted to live a movie experience. That led me to the book ‘Eat, Pray and Love’ which inspired me to make my own version. I went to Italy with two girlfriends, and we spent a lovely 15 days traveling, eating, and having fun. A few years later I went to India for an Ayurveda retreat - twenty days praying, meditating, and spending five days in complete silence. That was all about an inner trip to myself. Now, I have the ‘Love’ part to complete, in Bali, Indonesia. Love has already found me, but Bali will be the place we will celebrate being together.

What work achievement are you most proud of and why?

The teams I have managed throughout my career. I don´t have kids but seeing people from my team succeeding, smashing on a presentation, getting promoted or achieving a big goal has always made me proud and emotional. It´s an amazing feeling when you realize you have helped people to accomplish something. The messages I have received from former team members appreciating the impact on their lives is priceless. Some become friends for life. This is the kind of thing that work can give to you if you put people first. Successful deliveries will be a sure consequence.

What digital event technology are you most excited by and why?

Of course, it´s the portfolio of data products we are developing, and I have the honour to lead! RX connects people – at face to face and digital shows, webinars and apps, hosted meetings and marketplaces, and more. As we gather buyers and sellers together, we have a unique data set from professionals and markets that can serve a whole industry.

More than creating the connections we are now using our behaviour and profile data to generate actionable insights that will build much more meaningful connections, with less customer effort and the magical human touch. RX has this in its DNA, and I can´t wait to see this combination of live experience and data impacting our customers’ businesses.

What makes you proud to work at RX?

Working for RX for almost 14 years I have seen this company changing and leading the industry to the next level. Every time I see a customer closing a deal or celebrating a successful participation in one of our shows, I get the feeling we are really making a difference. Every time I see our people working hard to make it happen, to find solutions or new ideas, I get the feeling we are a great team.

All of this could be enough, but RX does more than impacting business. This company is also keen to make an impact on society. As leader of the Gender Equity All-in ERG (Employee Resource Group) in Brazil, I am able and empowered to take actions that will improve equity, support women to progress in their careers, and be welcoming to all in their plural existence. It’s about more than being proud. It’s about working with real purpose!